These days seems so long, as if meant for lulling around on the green, sun soaked grounds, with the blue, blue skies above, and the song of the birds mingled with the murmur of trees. But instead they are filled with nothingness of another kind, as our minds, longing to play with Spring, are forced to bend to very different tasks. And there we find ourselves drooping over Dryden’s Absalom and Achitophel, or a chapter of philosophy concerning the moral argument; or, in order to rouse ourselves from unintended slumber, we throw ourselves whole heartedly into baking muffins. Two dozen, wrapped in tin foil, and tossed into the freezer like coal into the the coal bin to be used on another day.
Author / Sixer
What Begins with ‘B’?
Beautiful, Bountiful, Braids, Bento and Bikes.
I’m still flabbergasted at the amount of work my mom has put into this dress, it’s going to be mind-boggling. Completely white – or, to go with the ‘B’ theme, blanc – the overskirt is gauzy goodness, with little, silk ribbon roses sewn on to it (well, it will be like that. I’m still sewing them on), and larger roses pinning it up to make elegant drapes. These drapes will be imitated on the bodice, and their will be a rose on each sleeve. Of course, their are matching shoes, white ones, to which roses will be attached. It’s all going to be gorgeous when it comes together, which needs to happen before the ball on the 28th.
Happy, Happy Day!
“Even a muggle such as yourself should be rejoicing on this happy, happy day.”
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter, Book 1
Seven Eleven – Yes, the local seven eleven. Right across from the church, so I can run over and get my self a lunch. From Right to Left: Rolled Sushi with Nattou (the only inherently nasty food I’ve had yet), Melon Pan, and a Chicken Pasta Salad (the chicken is on top with the salad and the salad dressing. Some assembly required). I’ve had all of these before, though at different places. In fact, I’ve had melon bread twice. They serve it every where, even at McDonalds.
Mabodofu – Here’s what I had for lunch this Thursday. I had no idea what is was, but I bravely took it to the front counter anyway, just for you. Usually the cashier asks me if I want hashi, but this time they asked me something else. Needless to say I was thrown off. Eventually they found some way of communicating the simple question “shall I heat it up for you?” and I was able to stutter out an “onegashimasu.” Then, once it was all nice and hot, and tucked into the bag with a spork, I asked the lady what it was called. “Mobarohu,” she said. Or so I thought. But when I got back “home” and looked it up I found my hearing was a little off. Mabodofu it is then, and it’s good. Though a little greasy, as though the hamburger meat wasn’t drained properly. I think I’ve had something similar at the Toothy’s, only without the tofu and with way more veggies. Yum!
There you go, your birthday feast. And for dessert why not forgo the usual cake and have some kakigouri, blue Hawaiian is my favorite. Make sure they drizzle it with plenty of condensed milk! (or put ice cream on top and call it a “cream frappe”).
Little “B”